"Be afraid of nothing. Hating none, giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing His presence in everyone, and having but one desire - for His constant presence in the temple of your consciousness - that is the way to live in this world."
~ Paramahansa Yogananda
If you would like to know more about Paramahansa Yogananda and SRF, visit the website for Mother Center in Los Angeles California.
The Autobiography of a Yogi is a spiritual classic written by Paramahansa Yogananda more than 60 years ago. It has been a best seller, translated into 26 languages worldwide.
Donating to Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship
We deeply appreciate and welcome your support of the Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship.
Your gift enables us to fund the vital services and activities that we offer to our members and larger community, and to maintain our sacred facilities.
Ways you can donate to Denver Meditation Group of SRF
Please choose from the following two funds where you would most like to have impact today:
General Operating Fund
Your gift will help us to meet the day-to-day and highest priority general operating needs of the Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship.
Please click here to make your gift now:
Building Fund
Your gift will help support the care of our Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship property, including costs associated with acquiring and maintaining the facilities, grounds, equipment, furniture, and those associated with related capital campaigns.
Please click here to make your gift now:
Other ways you can make donations
There are two additional ways to make a donation to our Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship
By check
Please make your check payable to Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) and on the memo line of the check, write the name of our group along with where you would like your donation fund to apply to:
"Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship - General Operating Fund", or
"Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship - Building Fund"
Please send check to:
Denver Meditation Group of SRF
1360 Garrison Street
Lakewood, CO, 80215
By credit card (via phone)
Please phone the SRF Mother Center at 818-549-5151 and indicate your donation is for one of the following:
"Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship - General Operating Fund", or
"Denver Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship - Building Fund"
Recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Self-Realization Fellowship is a public charity under federal law and a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation under the Revenue Taxation Code of the State of California. Accordingly, contributions to Self-Realization Fellowship are deductible to the maximum extent permitted by law for income tax purposes.
Donations can be made through outright gifts in the form of cash, check, credit card, appreciated securities, real or personal property, and other types of assets, and deferred gifts in the form of charitable trusts. Bequests eligible for a charitable estate tax deduction can be made by naming the organization as a beneficiary in, among other things, a will, a trust, an insurance policy, or retirement funds.